28 March 2013

... and Jesus bowed down and washed his disciple's feet

There is a beautiful tradition in the Lutheran Church, wednesday in the easter week the shepherds in the church bow down as Jesus did and wash the feet of the believers before the church service.

Washing of feet carries another dimention on this side of the world than in the west. The dust and the heat of the day make the feet so dirty, so the cool clean water in the basin becomes refreshing for the whole body. Beautiful! - maybe not so different from what the disciples experienced.

26 March 2013

Breaking the silence

It has been silent for a long time on this small spot on the world wide web. We are very sorry about that. As we now break the silence, it is in English, and with that a new era in the Shalom blogg has begun. We have long wanted to allow a broader audience to follow us, and different staff in Shalom to contribute. Today is the day. We hope that our faithful norwegian readers will adapt to the change with no major problems.

Thank you for following and praying for Shalom, and may the glimses in the time ahead be of inspiration to continue doing so.